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  • Writer's pictureBunch Ministries International

God Is Bigger

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Life has a tendency to throw us curve balls once in a while, and in some seasons with great frequency. I have never been skilled at dodge ball, but I can tell you that there was one particular season in my life that produced a hefty amount of spiritual resilience and agility! I would like to share with you some insight that the Holy Spirit gave me during that time.

A few years ago I found myself met with a difficult decision, believe what God had spoken to me or surrender to the circumstances at hand. Admittedly, surrender is not something I often do, especially when it involves something that I firmly believe God has spoken. However, it became increasingly evident that it would be easier to give up and stop believing God would do what He said He would. Fortunately, my core nature would not allow me to cave to the idea. In the end I am thankful for the resistance that sprung out of me by the grace of God, but in the moment it felt exhausting and frustrating to be so determined.

It was during this season that the scripture James 1:2-4 would repeat itself with great frequency in my mind, "count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds for the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing." All I can say is that God certainly was producing steadfastness in me! Looking back on that season, I can honestly say I am thankful He did! Only God knew the type of faith my future would require. That being said, during that particular season what was being required of my faith did not seem worth the promise of the fruit of steadfastness. During that season of producing steadfastness I became discouraged. I sought the Lord on a way to endure as my mind was becoming bogged down by the circumstances around me. Certainly there had to be something I could do to scrounge up more strength to press in faith. Have you found yourself in this situation? If so, I hope the following will assist you as it did me.

The journey of faith is not easy, it can be exhausting and it is most often a journey taken alone. That does not change the fact that a life lived in faith and led by the Holy Spirit isn't worth it, because it is! It is a journey that produces a joy and a fullness in life that is rich and cannot be attained outside of this lifestyle.

First, I want to say that our strength must be sourced in God alone. If we source it within ourselves we will burn out rapidly and frequently. Self sourced strength will not produce steadfastness, only frustration and an ultimate abort of the life of faith. Because I recognized that God was, and must continue to be, my source of strength, I sought Him for wisdom on how to endure. Fittingly, the following verses in James chapter 1 says this, "if any of you lacks wisdom, let them ask God who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to them" (James 1:5). I most certainly needed a generous helping of wisdom! As I sought Him I was honest with Him about my perspective of the circumstances around me. I expressed, "God you say you are going to do this but I do not see how. Everything and everyone is in opposition to it, and it seems that it's all going the opposite direction of what you told me it would. I need for you to tell me what to do. What is your perspective? How are you going to do this?" I plead with Him for answers, and I did so earnestly, fully believing He would respond. Boy did He respond! He said,"your mind's inability to make this make sense does not effect My ability to act."

"your mind's inability to make this make sense does not effect My ability to act." - God

Wow. that changed everything for me! I needed to adjust my mind to the TRUTH that God is far greater than my mind's ability to understand. I knew that this was the ammunition I needed to use against the building frustration in my mind. I needed to build my faith and remain in agreement with the Holy One.

I marched myself into my bathroom and took a thick red expo marker and wrote in large letters filling the whole mirror "MY MIND'S INABILITY TO UNDERSTAND DOES NOT EFFECT GOD'S ABILITY TO ACT." Everyday I had to see that truth speaking loud and in my face. Brushing my teeth, washing my hands, anything I did. To see my reflection I had to also see that truth. That quote remained on my mirror until it was embedded into my heart and accepted as truth. It changed everything for me. Whenever the Lord has asked me to believe with Him about something, circumstance have no effect on my ability to believe because He has sealed this truth within me, "my mind's inability to understand does not effect God's ability to act." and you know what? He did act! He did exactly what He said He would.

What has God told you He was going to do? What are you believing for? I encourage you to ask Him for His perspective and His strength to endure. It could be that all you need is an expo marker, a mirror, and a simple truth to remind you that He is who He says He is and He is far greater than what you can see.


"Your mind's inability to understand does not affect God's ability to act." Christian Bunch

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