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  • Writer's pictureBunch Ministries International

The Bare Chested Bride

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Prophetic Release: 11/12/20

I have submitted this to my spiritual leadership and received their approval to publicly release this to you. 

I have received a series of dreams this year regarding the body of Christ that have left me crying out in repentance and intercession on her behalf. Through many tears and fasting over what the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me since March of this year, I have become increasingly aware of the importance, relevance, and timing of this word. At this moment the Holy Spirit continues to reengage my mind with a dream I had April 7th of this year. 

This dream was clear and vision like. It felt like stark reality. I am taken to a hill and on it there is a bride, I recognize her but she does not see me. I am in the distance watching as she stands with her soon to be husband. They both wore their wedding clothes, and stood excited and seeking their parents approval and celebration. The bride’s wedding dress looked beautiful from the back but when I saw the front of her I was startled to see that her breast were completely exposed and bare. Her parents were very upset by this and went further up the hill with the bride and groom. The mother of the bride spoke to her with great firmness, “I will do no more business dealings with you!” I watched as the bride cried out in disappointment and loss. As I watched I knew the mother of the bride responded this way because of the wedding dress. I woke up in tears knowing the weight of this dream was a warning to the corporate Church. The bride represented the Church and the soon to be groom represented the relationship and sin that the Church has joined in union with. The father of the bride represented the Heavenly Father while the mother of the bride was the Holy Spirit. The exposed chest was a lack of the breastplate of righteousness. They walked up the hill because God is inviting the individual into this conversation, inviting them to enter into purification and repentance. The Holy Spirit was very clear in this dream that He will not dwell among the unrighteous - unprepared bride.

In the proceeding months I sought God fervently on regarding purification and standing in the gap repenting on behalf of the Church. However, in recent days the Holy Spirit has spoken to me that this is now an individual mandate. No longer will another’s repentance be enough for you. The call has been issued for the individual to cry out and weep for repentance and purification to take place in their own life. For too long the tolerance of sin has run rampant in the Church and God is saying “Enough! I will have nothing more to do with you! Your lack of repentance and reverence has stripped you bare of the righteousness you should carry. I am coming back for the bride who has made herself ready. Do not be deceived.  Continuing as you have will not be enough. For those who refuse to repent and turn from their wicked ways will hear ‘Depart from me I never knew you.’” 

For many weeks I cried out to God regarding this as well as the other dreams and visions I have received, asking Him to wake up His Church and open the eyes of His people. He spoke to me saying, “I have called them, but they did not answer. I sent my prophets and they laughed and pushed them away. I have issued the call to repent and return and they held their ears”. I replied “but God, those who have answered are so small in number! I thought your Church waking up would result in so many more”. He responded to me saying, “those who have responded are my remnant, I will use them as arrows. The clarion call has been made and my remnant has already answered, for I have others like you rising up. I am now releasing a final call to the Church. It is a call to those who have not yet repented and turned back to me. I am calling them back to me, inviting them to seek my face once more.”

Following this the Holy Spirit led me to read a series of scriptures. He took me to Luke 5 and John 21 and spoke to me, just as I re-called Peter I am now re-calling my Church. He then took me to 1Samuel 3 and spoke, “just as I called out to Samuel to wake him up and speak to him, I am calling my Church.” I began to be filled with hope for the remaining sleepers in the Church as the Holy Spirit directed me to Ezekiel 37. He spoke to me and said, “this will be said of my Church. These bones are my Church, I will open the graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live.”  He continued and shared with me that repentance must take place.  A holy fear and reverence for God must return and where it returns, there He will dwell and send His Spirit. 

I sought the Lord over the past few days trying to understand how these two prophecies can work as one and He spoke to me to read Jeremiah 3. What I found in that chapter brought me to tears of sadness for the rejection the church has shown Him. The church has rejected the Holy Spirit from operating among them and refused conviction and repentance. Repent, turn back to God, and He will breath His Spirit on you.

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